5 Key Risks to Your Retirement Portfolio Growth?
In today’s blog post, I identify 5 key risks that help explain why your retirement portfolio’s growth is not at its optimal level.
These are not flash-in-the-pan challenges either.
I’m Winn, your beloved leader of the Retirement Revolt.
Thank you for being here with me for insights to build your retirement security!
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In Episode 6, you learned about 5 Key Social Security Changes Coming in 2025: What You Need to Know
Visit and get free access to Episode 6 at https://bit.ly/rrv006a
In Episode 7, you and I review 5 key risk factors that weigh on how much you can accumulate in your retirement portfolio. Get full access at: https://bit.ly/rrv007
Here is an excerpt of today’s episode to get you started:
The American dream – home ownership – is out of reach for many with elevated prices and interest rates from the profligate government overspending in Washington.
In a finer point – Bank of America does not see any recuperation for the housing market until at least 2026. Really, 2 more years?
A boomlet on Wall Street proceeded the Trump win and a wait-and-see posture prevails ahead of his promised tax rate cuts, de-regulation regime, and more energy production.
The US economy is still a persistent threat to investments you hold in your portfolio.
Key Risk 5: Asset Allocation
According to most financial experts, asset allocation ranks among the critical decisions for investors.
The vaunted Vanguard investment company says: Your financial goals, the time frame in which you want to accomplish those goals, and your risk tolerance are the 3 factors to having the amount of money you need when you need it.
Your choice of stocks, bonds, and cash (including equivalents) significantly impacts investment outcomes.
Want to learn more?
Get full access to Episode 7 today at https://bit.ly/rrv007 on my Substack blog.
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Be sure to do your due diligence before making any decision to live abroad and consider all factors before making a final determination.
Please consult your financial and/or tax advisor before making any financial or investment decisions.
I’m Winn, your devoted leader of the Retirement Revolt! 🚀✨
p.s. Are you ready to ditch the traditional retirement plan and design your dream retirement?
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