Social Security Changes for 2025
Lead In: Are you ready for these changes to Social Security in 2025?
Factoid: Despite 51% of non-retired Americans being concerned about outliving their assets, 43% plan to take Social Security benefits before the full retirement age of 67, and 92% don’t plan to wait until age 70 to maximize their benefits. [Schroder’s Retirement Survey]
Hello and welcome to an audio intro to EP006 – 5 Key Social Security Changes Coming in 2025: What You Need to Know
I’m Winn, your beloved leader of the Retirement Revolt.
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In Episode 5, you learned about 7 End-of-Year Money Moves to Protect Your Retirement Security
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In Episode 6, you discover 5 changes coming fast and furious to Social Security in 2025. Get full access at:
Here is an excerpt of today’s episode to get you started:
5. Later Full Retirement Age:
Are you ready to work slightly longer?
The age at which you can claim full Social Security benefits without penalties is gradually increasing.
In 2025, those turning 66 (who were born between 1955 and 1960) will need to wait until 66 years and 10 months to receive their full, unreduced benefits, unlike those turning 66 in 2024 who can claim at 66 years and 8 months.
Notice how the government every so slightly is increasing the full retirement age – a note of caution for us who have yet to file for benefits.
Claiming benefits earlier will result in permanently reduced monthly payments.
These changes are driven by inflation adjustments and previous legislative actions. They’ll impact everyone, regardless of political affiliations. Planning ahead is crucial to mitigate their effects on your retirement security.
Get full access to Episode 6 today at on my Substack blog.
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I’m Winn, your devoted leader of the Retirement Revolt! 🚀✨
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