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Lead In: About 3 in 10 Americans who are 59 or older do not have any money put away for retirement. – CBS News Money Watch, 4/18/2024
Hello and welcome to EP001 of the Retirement Revolt Podcast – Introduction
I’m Winn, your beloved leader of the Retirement Revolt.
Let me help you achieve retirement security
Welcome to this audio introduction to the first article of the Retirement Revolt Substack at– the premium blog dedicated to helping you understand the issues impacting your retirement security!
I’m a teacher and naturally my Substack is devoted to retirement security education, so you are able to live out your golden years in bliss.
Let’s do this together!
Therefore, the Retirement Revolt Substack is your go-to source for retirement news in order to build retirement readiness.
Now, you have a partner to help guide you through the crazy maze of retirement planning.
Neglecting to educate yourself about retirement risks can lead to future unhappiness and financial instability. It’s crucial to understand these challenges to ensure a secure and enjoyable retirement.
Stay informed to safeguard your future with your go-to source – The Retirement Revolt Substack.
The Retirement Revolt Substack helps fill in the information gaps as your trusted source for retirement news so you can live out your golden years confidently and comfortably.
In Episode 1, you learn about all the fantastic news and information you get to empower you to make the best decisions possible, whether you’re a member of Gen Z, Millennials, or Gen X like me, who are the next to retire in the coming years.
According to a report by Fidelity Investments, Gen Xers feel the least confident of the 4 generations in the workforce about their retirement prospects.
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Here’s an excerpt from today’s article:
I reject the conventional wisdom of a US-based retirement that the financial industry seems to have planned for you and me.
Therefore, I’m the leader of the Retirement Revolt against the conventional wisdom of the mass of the US financial and retirement press.
I already know I can’t retire in the US; anyway, it’s not even desirable.
That’s a recurring theme throughout the Retirement Revolt Substack.
Now, the main issue here—retirement security is people’s #1 financial issue, even beating owning their own homes.
The era of gold-plated pension plans is long gone, replaced by worries over Social Security’s eventual insolvency and a swath of under-invested Americans outliving whatever nest eggs they might have cobbled together because of the Do-It-Yourself US retirement scheme.
Are you prepared with the information and insights you need to create predictable income for the length of your retirement?
Well, you’re in the right place to learn how!
Retirement planning is one of the most difficult challenges workers face as they progress through their careers.
As the startling statistic above states, many fear – and I’m among them – that they will be unable to sustain their quality of life if they retire even at 65.
For us Gen Xers, the retirement age will probably be closer to 70!…
I’m so glad you’re interested in increasing your wealth for retirement security after your life of hard work and sacrifice.
You deserve it!
Learn more about the valuable information available to you when you visit Episode 1 and get complimentary access at
Thank you for choosing Retirement Revolt Substack to help build your retirement security.
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Take control of your path to retirement readiness and challenge the conventional wisdom promoted by the financial and retirement industry.
Join the Retirement Revolt: Forge your own path to retirement security with the latest news and information shared on the Retirement Revolt Substack. Stay informed on the news that impacts your nest egg’s bottom line.
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Remember – Information provided by the Retirement Revolt is for educational purposes and is offered “as is.”
Be sure to do your due diligence before making any decision to live abroad and consider all factors before making a final determination.
Please consult your financial and/or tax advisor before making any financial or investment decisions.
I’m Winn, your devoted leader of the Retirement Revolt! 🚀✨
p.s. Are you ready to ditch the traditional retirement plan and design your dream retirement?
Build your retirement security and discover the secrets to a fulfilling retirement outside the U.S.
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